Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Alliance High: Part One.

(High School AU fan fiction for starfleetspectre. Pairings are Mshenko and Mshega. With her OC Shepard, Rev and my OC Shepard Osir.)

Osir stepped off the bus and immediately heard someone ask, "Osir!? Is that you, man!?" The raven haired teen smiled as he saw his brunette cousin, Rev. "Revamp! Its good to see you again!" Osir said, bringing him in for a hug. "Its just Rev. Anyway, what do you think of the place?" Osir smiled, the school was nice. A lot nicer than his last school that's for sure. The two boys made their way into the hallways catching up. "How are you holding up?" Rev asked.

"I'm fine. I know she's in a better place now." He answered with a short smile. Alicia, Osir's mother, died two months ago from a drive by shooting. He and his mother were very close, especially since there was no father at home. The two decided not to touch the subject again. "So, what do you make of Vancouver? Not exactly like Brooklyn, huh?" Osir laughed, not anything like New York but it was nice.

Making their way to the cafeteria, they approached a table where only two people were at. One of them looked up, "Hey Rev." The black haired boy said giving the brunette a kiss. He saw Osir and a smile came across his face, "You must be Osir. I'm Kaidan, its nice to finally meet you." Kaidan said. "Hey, same here." Osir returned the favor. The other occupant at the table, a krogan, was busy devouring the last of the chips in the bag and throwing it into the trash can. "This is Grunt." Rev said, motioning to the said krogan who stood up and walked up to Osir. He stood over him, growling almost, and looking into his red eyes.

Osir stared right back into his, not blinking. "Your cousin's creepy, Rev." Grunt said, backing up making them laugh. "Hey, sorry! Football ran on late for morning practice." A voice said coming up behind them. Turning around, a large muscled student with tattoos fist bumped Rev, and looked to his black haired relative. "Oh, you're Osir, right? Loco's told us a lot about you. I'm James, James Vega." James greeted, extending a strong arm out to the red eyed teen who gladly took it. "Nice to meet you too."

"So, who do you have first period?" Rev asked, pointing to the schedule sheet in Osir's hands. Looking at the list, he read out loud, "Ms. T'soni. History 2." James smiled, "Same here, I'll show you the way." The larger teen said, who looked at Osir nodding. 'Dios mio, he's cute. I hope he doesn't have a girlfriend.' The quarterback and wrestling captain thought to himself. "Let me know how it goes!" Rev called out as the two boys left. "I will!" Osir called back.

"So, where did you move from?" James asked as they made their way to the room. "New York." James' eyes widened, "I grew up there. Which part?" He asked, surprised. "Brooklyn, Bed Stuy." James was again surprised, "How did we miss each other, I'm from there too." They continued to talk as they sat next to each other in class. Osir listened as James told him how he moved here with his uncle when his father died from lung cancer.

The sound of the school bell rang throughout the campus, hallways emptied and doors closed shut. Walking in was an asari, apparently the teacher. "We have a new student who starts school here today. Everyone give a warm welcome for Osir Shepard." The instructor announced and immediately the eyes of his fellow classmates were on him. "Uh, hi." Was all Osir could manage to say as he pulled out his notebook and textbook from his backpack. This was going to be a long day.

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