Thursday, April 3, 2014

Sonfic Challenge: ***Flawless.

Commander Shepard.

Just those two words were platinum quality. First Human Spectre, The one who defeated Saren and Sovereign. Destroyer of the Collectors. Now, the first to ever unite an entire galaxy during the most dire time of need. Hero of every organic life form in the galaxy.

Kaidan would always feel it, no doubt everyone else did. That feeling of change. Aboard the Normandy or on the Citadel, he's Rev. Vulnerable but eased. Taking every moment on shore leave and making the moments golden. A cigarette in one hand with a scowling major Alenko beside him. "After the war, I promise I'll go cold turkey." Kaidan made him promise to keep that promise.

On the battlefield, however, he was different. Bullets firing back and forth with the constant explosions. Every shot fired precise and every Cerberus, Reaper, Geth in his way would fall. He was the god on the battlegrounds. This was his turf, regardless what planet it was. There maybe times where his ass needs saving from enemy fire. Other than that, it's Rev's game.

He in many ways was flawless.

....except for constantly smoking, terrible dancing, childish temper, drinking contests, and Hanar delegates. Especially the Hanar.

I know when you were little girls, you dreamt of being in my world
Don't forget it, don't forget it
Respect that, bow down bitches
I took some time to live my life, but don't think I'm just his little wife
Don't get it twisted, don't get it twisted
This my shit, bow down bitches

Lyrics of "***Flawless" by Beyonce.

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